Flow Through Process – Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS)

Ontario Cannabis Store OCS

On May 13th, the Ontario Cannabis Store (OCS) announced to authorized cannabis retailers its new plan to allow licensed producers of cannabis to sell directly to cannabis retailers in Ontario. This new “flow-through” program will be introduced by late summer 2021 and will allow cannabis retailers to order products not stocked in the OCS warehouse.

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The AGCO is Now Issuing 80 Cannabis Retail Store Authorizations Per Month

On December 8, 2020, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) announced it is now doubling the number of Retail Store Authorizations (RSA) issued per month. Through their continued work with the Government of Ontario, the AGCO has now committed to issuing 20 Retail Store Authorizations per week, which doubles the current monthly issuance

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Ontario Cannabis Retail – Everything You Need to Know from Applications to Store Opening

Back in December 2019, the Ontario government announced its move to open the market for retail cannabis stores, beginning January 2020. After removing the temporary cap that restricted the number of private cannabis stores in the province, the cannabis retail space has been booming. So, if you’re looking to enter the cannabis retail market in

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