Application Gap Assessment

Under the Cannabis Act & Regulations, applicants are required to obtain a licence issued by Health Canada in order to conduct various activities with cannabis. These licences include Cultivation (micro, standard, and nursery), Processing (micro and standard) and Sale for Medical Purposes. Research and Analytical Testing licences are also available.
Applicants and licence holders are responsible for compliance with the Cannabis Act and its Regulations, as well as compliance with other applicable federal, provincial and territorial legislation and municipal by-laws.
Application Gap Assessment
The success of a cannabis business to get licensed will rely heavily on the quality of one’s application to Health Canada, which demonstrates compliance with the legislation mentioned above. A complete, fulsome and accurate application package can help get you through Health Canada’s queue quickly and smoothly. Health Canada may refuse to consider an application if any of the required information is not provided. Furthermore, submitting an incomplete or “messy” application can slow down the review of your file, which will ultimately result in extra waiting time for you to receive your licence.
Working with a consultant can make all the difference when it comes to preparing something as intricate and complex as a cannabis licence application. By performing an application gap assessment, our team can review your entire application (application documents & video evidence package) to ensure that all of the necessary documentation and information is present. We can also point out areas of the application that can be strengthened to increase your chances of a smooth review process when the application is in Health Canada’s hands.

Cannabis License Experts leverages years of cannabis quality assurance, operational and cultivation knowledge with real-life hands-on experience. Our team has the experience of submitting over 200 cannabis license applications under ACMPR and the Cannabis Act, with NO REFUSALS to date. This speaks to our team’s dedication and due diligence to help our clients succeed. Through trust, transparency and respect, our team will work with you to achieve your goals of getting your cannabis business licensed and legalized!

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