Site Evidence Package

Applicants for a Processing License (standard or micro), Cultivation License (standard, micro or nursery) and Sale for Medical Purposes with Possession License are required to submit a site evidence package with visual evidence demonstrating the completion and functionality of their facility in addition to documents submitted as a part of their paper application.
What is a Site Evidence Package?
A site evidence package is a compilation of visual evidence (videos and photographs) which demonstrate to Health Canada the completion and functionality of your cannabis facility. The site evidence package must be submitted in addition to the paper documents that are uploaded as part of the CTLS application. Cannabis license applications will only be processed once both the document portion of the application is submitted within the CTLS and the site evidence package is submitted to Health Canada.

What Information is Covered in a Site Evidence Package?

The requirements for the site evidence package differ based on the licence that is being applied for.
Standard Processing, Standard Cultivation and Sale for Medical Purposes with Possession Licences
Micro-Cultivation, Micro-Processing, and Nursery Licences

At Cannabis License Experts, we provide you with the guidance to plan your GMP-, GPP– and GACP-compliant business, acquire funding, navigate the legal requirements, and acquire the appropriate licence for your operations.

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