Pre-Audit Inspection

Pre-Audit Inspection

What should I know about Pre-Audit Inspections?

You made it! It was quite a process, but the long-awaited cannabis license you applied for is almost in hand, and everything you’ve been juggling along the way seems to be falling into place. Still, as you run through your to-do list yet again, it’s normal to doubt whether you did in fact think of everything. Hired the necessary personnel? Done. Triple checked your security system against regulations? That too.

But what if auditing time comes and you still aren’t completely confident that your operation – brand new or established – will be able to pass beneath the inspector’s critical eye unscathed? In such cases, it’s time to consider how you can benefit from the Pre-Audit Inspection service we offer. We like to think of it as the perfect final hurdle – just one that will ensure your success instead of standing in its way.

What is a Pre Audit Inspection?

Health Canada requires licensed facilities to undergo regular audits to ensure that license holders are compliant with the stipulations outlined in the Cannabis Act and Regulations. Health Canada conducts audits on different occasions, including:

  • Pre-licensing audits
  • Introductory audits before cultivation begins
  • License amendment audits to add the activity of sales to the license
  • Regularly scheduled audits afterward
These audits are comprehensive and lengthy, with a tendency to be very overwhelming for those who haven’t had to prepare for one before – and even for those who have! With this service we identify any issues that might raise red flags with inspectors, and work with you to address them all properly. Everything is accounted for, with nothing left to chance, so that come inspection day you’ll have the simple luxury of peace of mind.

What do we check for?

We evaluate standards which include, but are not limited to:
  • Physical Security Requirements
  • Record Keeping
  • Standard Operating Procedures
  • Good Production Practices
  • Inventory Methods & Limitations
  • Activities Authorized and Unauthorized by License
Is protecting the integrity of your business your number one priority? Reach out today and learn how our Pre-Audit Inspections can help further that goal.

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