Cannabis Export and Import Permit

Health Canada Importing & Exporting Cannabis General Policy Cannabis Regulations

In Canada, the Cannabis Regulations set out the restrictions pertaining to the import and export of cannabis. Only license holders under the Cannabis Regulations may import or export cannabis, and only for medical (e.g., distribution to medical patients) or scientific (e.g., research) purposes. The import and export of cannabis for any other purpose (such as distribution or sale for non-medical purposes) are strictly prohibited. Importing or exporting cannabis for medical or scientific purposes requires a permit from Health Canada for each shipment. Health Canada’s general policy is to issue import or export permits only in limited circumstances, such as:

Cannabis Export & Import Permit

Health Canada Issuing Export & Import Permits:

  • Importing starting materials (e.g., seeds, plants) for a new license holder
  • Exporting cannabis products to another country that has a legal regime for access to cannabis for medical purposes
  • Importing or exporting small quantities of cannabis for scientific purposes (e.g., research or testing)

*In the case of an export permit application, you need to submit a valid import permit from the competent authority in the country of import*

Export-Import Permit

What Does Health Canada consider when reviewing a permit application?

Before issuing an import or export permit, Health Canada considers the following:

  • Canada’s obligations under international treaties
  • Whether the application is consistent with the relevant provisions in the Cannabis Act and its regulations
  • Whether the import or export will be used solely for medical or scientific purposes
  • In the case of exports, whether the country of destination has issued an import permit
  • Whether there are risks to public health given that imported products are not subject to the same strict production standards or Health Canada inspections
  • Whether there are risks to public safety and security, including the risks of diversion
  • For the import or export of drugs containing cannabis, whether import/export requirements of the Food and Drugs Act and its regulations have been met

Application Fee's and Service Standards

The fee for an application for a cannabis import permit or a cannabis export permit is $610 CAD and is payable within 30 days of submitting the application.


Health Canada Service Standard
Health Canada commits to a non-binding administrative service standard of 30 business days from the date that payment is received by the department to the date a decision is issued to the applicant (permit sent/application refused). The time the application is with the applicant for additional required information does not count towards the service standard.

Export-Import Permit Transporting Cannabis
Cannabis Farmgate in New Brunswick

What are the next steps if my cannabis import/export permit application is approved?

At the time of import or export, you will need to give a copy of the permit to the customs office. After customs releases the imported cannabis, you need to transport it directly to the site on the license used for the permit.

Within 15 days after the import or export of a cannabis shipment, you need to email a completed Cannabis Shipment Detail Notification Form for each shipment to Health Canada.  Click here to start your cannabis Export-Import permit or contact us to consult on your regulatory needs.

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