How to Sell Medical Cannabis vs. Recreational Cannabis

Under the Cannabis Act and Cannabis Regulations, businesses (small and large) are able to sell cannabis both recreationally and to medical patients in Canada. However, there are different licences required to perform these two different activities. In this article, we’ll discuss the two licences, and what they allow your business to do. Recreational Cannabis Sales

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Paving the Path for the Future – Medical Use of Psilocybin in Canada

On August 4, 2020, Canada’s Minister of Health, Patty Hajdu, announced that four terminally ill cancer patients are now legally able to possess and consume psilocybin mushrooms for end-of-life care. These four patients mark the first publicly-known individuals to receive a legal exemption from the Canadian Drugs and Substances Act to access psychedelic therapy, and

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Physical Security in the Cannabis Industry

If you’re thinking of starting a cannabis business, there are a few hurdles you’ll need to get over before you’re licensed and ready to go. One of the largest portions of the application process, as well as getting your site ready for production, is physical security. Under the Cannabis Act and Regulations, there are a

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