Competition Bureau Recommendations: Boost THC limit for cannabis edibles and loosen packaging rules

Competition Bureau Recommendations: Boost THC limit for cannabis edibles and loosen packaging rules,

According to Canada’s Competition Bureau, Health Canada should relax its limitations on cannabis packaging and the maximum potency of edibles. According to the Competition Bureau, improving the appeal of legal items will increase sales and entice customers away from the black market. The bureau’s watchdog feels that to encourage businesses to flourish and eliminate the black market

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Regulation of Health Products Containing Cannabis

During the November 2017 public consultation to solicit input on regulations under the Cannabis Act, it was determined that further consideration was necessary to determine an appropriate regulatory approach for health products containing cannabis without requiring the oversight of a medicinal practitioner. Under the current regulatory framework already established by the Cannabis Act and Food

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Understanding Cannabis Product Labels

Cannabis product labels contain a great deal of information, most of it required by the Cannabis Regulations. It can sometimes be confusing for consumers to understand everything that is present on a label. The Regulations prescribe what, where and how information must appear on the label of all cannabis products. In this article, we’re going

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Top 5 Things to Know About Analytical Testing Licences

Under the Cannabis Act & Regulations, applicants are required to obtain a licence issued by Health Canada in order to conduct activities relating to analytical testing involving cannabis. Therefore, individuals and corporations who wish, for the purposes of testing, to possess cannabis and to alter the chemical or physical properties of this cannabis by any

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The Differences Between THC and CBD and How They Work

Cannabis is an extremely complex plant that contains hundreds of chemical substances. Over 100 of these chemical substances are known as cannabinoids. Cannabinoids are an incredibly important part of the cannabis plant, as they are the unique chemical compounds secreted by the flower that provides the different physical and mental effects we feel when we

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