Regulatory and Business Opportunities with a
Micro-Cultivation Licence
Grow space is limited to 2152 square feet which can be combination of horizontal and/or vertical grow
Key personnel that must obtain security clearance include responsible person, master grower and head of security. These don't have to be 3 distinct individuals but it is highly recommended that all 3 roles be more than one person.
A physical barrier must surround the entire site. The storage area must have a barrier to prevent unauthorized access. Limited access to just certain individuals.
Smaller footprint to grow so it's a good place to experiment with a cultivation business and, if successful, obtain a standard cultivation licence (which has no limitations) through another licence (less work and often less time to get the new licence because you already have a micro-cultivation licence). You can also add other activities like micro-processing ( a requirement if you want to sell to the BC Liquor Distribution Branch (LDB) who is the sole wholesale distributor of recreational cannabis to legally licensed dispensaries in BC.
This licence allows possession, cultivation, harvesting, sale and distribution. Plants, seeds, dried and fresh cannabis can be sold to other cannabis licence holders like another cultivator, processor or those holding a Research & Development or Analytical Testing Licence
Micro-cultivation Fee structure:
Screening Fee - $1638
Security clearance fee - $1654 per person going through security clearance
Annual regulatory fee - Minimum fee of $2300 or 1% of cannabis revenue of $1 million or less and 2.3% of revenue above $1 million
Proven Steps to Successfully License Your Cannabis Grow Business
When you are onboarded we will collect key personnel information, organizational chart, complete security clearance documentation and set up your staff on the Cannabis Track and Licensing System (CTLS).
Key components of the application including, but not limited to, site clearance, zoning, notice to authorities, organizational security plan, threat risk assessment, security system design, head of security package and physical security plan. A Good Production Practices (GPP) report will be prepared . We continuously stay engaged with you through the entire process, keeping you up to date on progress and deliverable timelines.
Before the cannabis license application can be submitted your facility must be fully built out and ready to be operational (the equipment like growing racks can be added later on). Upon completion of the build or retrofit a video narration walkthrough and photography of the entire facility is prepared and submitted to Health Canada via as secure web portal along with the application. Our videographer and photographer has the experience of professionally preparing hundreds of site evidence packages.
After application receipt Health Canada will assess all aspects of the application including the site evidence package and attestation. Upon completion of this stage, called the Request for More Information (RMI). Health Canada will then issue you the cannabis licence and you can begin your cultivation business.
Why Cannabis License Experts?
Over 200 Cannabis License Applications Filed
Our team has the experience of filing over 200 cannabis license applications since 2012, from the "LP" (Licensed Producer) days and paper applications (1500+ pages filed to Health Canada!) to the current CTLS online platform under the Cannabis Act. We've seen it all. Our learnings will help you ensure a thorough and well prepared application. To date, Cannabis License Experts has zero refusals!! That speaks to the experience and diligence our expert team takes with every application.
Get You Licensed FASTER!
Some consulting firms will claim they have someone on the inside that can get you licensed faster than anyone else. This is absolutely FALSE! All applications that Health Canada receives is reviewed in sequential order. Any attempt to bypass this system is automatically flagged. Applications that are deliberately bypassed are automatically refused (and the Health Canada employee may be terminated). How does Cannabis License Experts get you licensed faster? By ensuring your application is prepared without mistakes (that unexperienced consultants often make). We are highly meticulous in how we prepare every cannabis license application. If an application is refused you lose almost 3 months of having to fix the errors and resubmit! We can't and won't let that happen. Our process includes a quality assurance check by another internal team member who has not seen the application. A second verification check gives you the assurance that it's prepared right the first time and gets you to the license faster. This means fewer or no questions from Health Canada when they are reviewing your application.
A Team of Regulatory, Security and Cultivation Experts
Our cannabis consulting team has been in the cannabis sector for over 9 years since the ACMPR days with experience in licensing, quality assurance and growing as well. Our cultivation expert has consulted with some of the largest LPs in North America with over 3 million square feet of grow area consulting.
Solutions so You Prosper Beyond the License
Whether it's assisting in improving your THC yields, routine audits so you stay in line with Health Canada requirements to ammending your license so you can process cannabis, make edibles or open a retail store (with the expected farmgate regulations that British Columbia's LCRB is anticipated to pass). We are there to support your growth as your trusted partner in your journey as a cannabis business operator.
BC Communities We Serve
- 100 Mile House
- Abbotsford
- Aldergrove
- Alert Bay
- Alexis Creek
- Alice Arm – Kitsault
- Anahim Lake
- Anmore
- Argenta
- Armstrong
- Ashcroft
- Atlin
- Avola
- Balfour
- Bamfield
- Barkerville
- Barnston Island
- Barriere
- Beaverdell
- Belcarra
- Bell II
- Bella Bella
- Bella Coola
- Blue River
- Boston Bar
- Boswell
- Bowen Island
- Bralorne
- Bridesville
- Brittania Beach
- Burnaby
- Burns Lake
- Cache Creek
- Campbell River
- Canal Flats
- Cassiar
- Cassidy
- Castlegar
- Cawston
- Cedar
- Central Saanich
- Chase
- Chemainus
- Cherryville
- Chetwynd
- Chilanko Forks
- Chilliwack
- Christina Lake
- Clearwater
- Clinton
- Cloverdale
- Coalmont
- Cobble Hill
- Coldstream
- Colwood
- Comox
- Coombs
- Coquitlam
- Cortes Island
- Courtenay
- Cowichan Bay
- Craigellachie
- Cranbrook
- Crawford Bay
- Cresecent Valley
- Creston
- Crofton
- Cultus Lake
- Cumberland
- D’Arcy
- Dawson Creek
- Dease Lake
- Deep Cove
- Deer Park
- Delta
- Denman Island
- Deroche
- Duncan
- Edgewood
- Egmont
- Elkford
- Endako
- Enderby
- Esquimait
- Falkland
- Fanny Bay
- Faquier
- Fernie
- Field
- Fort Fraser
- Fort Langley
- Fort Nelson
- Fort St. James
- Fort St. John
- Fraser Lake
- Fruitvale
- Gabriola Island
- Gambier Island
- Gibsons
- Glade
- Gold Bridge
- Gold River
- Golden
- Grand Forks
- Granisle
- Greenwood
- Halfmoon Bay
- Hanceville
- Harrison Hot Springs
- Harrop-Procter
- Hartley Bay
- Hazelton
- Hedley
- Highlands
- Hills
- Holberg
- Hope
- Hornby Island
- Horsefly
- Horseshoe Bay
- Houston
- Howser
- Hudson’s Hope
- Invermere
- Iskut
- Jade City
- Jaffray
- Johnsons Landing
- Jordan River
- Kaleden
- Kamloops
- Kasio
- Keats Island
- Kelowna
- Kent-Agassiz
- Keremeos
- Kimberley
- Kitimat
- Kitwancool (Gitanyow)
- Kitwanga (Gitwangak)
- Kleena Kleene
- Kwadacha Fort Ware
- Ladner
- Ladysmith
- Lake Country
- Lake Cowichan
- Langara Island
- Langford
- Langley City
- Langley Township
- Lasqueti Island
- Lavington
- Liard River
- Likely
- Lillooet
- Lion’s Bay
- Little Fort
- Logan Lake
- Lone Butte
- Lower Post
- Lumby
- Lund
- Lytton
- McBride
- McLeese Lake
- McLeod Lake
- Mackenzie
- Malakwa
- Maple Ridge
- Masset
- Mayne Island
- Meadow Creek
- Mesachie Lake
- Merritt
- Metchosin
- Meziadin Junction
- Mica Creek
- Midway
- Mill Bay
- Mission
- Moberly Lake
- Montrose
- Mount Currie
- Moyie
- Muncho Lake
- Nakusp
- Nanaimo
- Naramata
- Nazko
- Needles
- Nelson
- Nemaiah Valley
- New Alyansh
- New Denver
- New Westminster
- Nitinat
- North Bend
- North Cowichan
- North Saanich
- North Vancouver City
- North Vancouver District
- Oak Bay
- Okanagan Falls
- Oliver
- Osoyoos
- Parksville
- Peachland
- Pemberton
- Pender Harbour
- Pender Island
- Penelakut Island
- Penticton
- Pink Mountain
- Pitt Meadows
- Popkum
- Port Alberni
- Port Alice
- Port Clements
- Port Coquitlam
- Port Edward
- Port Hardy
- Port McNeill
- Port Moody
- Port Renfrew
- Pouce Coupe
- Powell River
- Prince George
- Prince Rupert
- Princeton
- Quadra Island
- Qualicum Beach
- Queen Charlottle City
- Quesnel
- Radium Hot Springs
- Revelstoke
- Richmond
- Riondel
- Riske Creek
- Roberts Creek
- Rock Creek
- Rosedale
- Rossland
- Rosswood
- Royston
- Saanich
- Salmo
- Salmon Arm
- Salt Spring Island
- Sandon
- Sandspit
- Saturna Island
- Savona
- Sayward
- Sechelt
- Seton Portage
- Shawnigan Lake
- Sicamous
- Sidney
- Silverton
- Skidegate
- Slocan City
- Smithers
- Sooke
- Sorrento
- Spallumcheen
- Sparwood
- Spences Bridge
- Squamish
- Stewart
- Summerland
- Surrey
- Tahsis
- Tatla Lake
- Taylor Telkwa
- Terrace
- Tete Juane Cache
- Texada Island
- Thetis Island
- Tiell
- Tofino
- Topley
- Trail
- Tranquille
- Trout Lake
- Tsawwassen
- Tumbler Ridge
- Tulameen
- Ucluelet
- Union Bay
- Usk
- Valemount
- Vancouver
- Vanderhoof
- Vaseux Lake
- Vavenby
- Vernon
- Victoria
- View Royal
- Wardner
- Warfield
- Wasa
- Wells
- Westbank
- Westbridge
- West Kelowna
- West Vancouver
- Whistler
- White Rock
- Williams Lake
- Wilson Creek
- Windermere
- Winlaw
- Winter Harbour
- Woodfibre
- Woss
- Yahk
- Yale Ymir
- Zeballos