Develop New Cannabis Products

Under the Canadian Cannabis Act and Regulations, companies seeking to perform research on cannabis with the intention of developing new products and technologies will be required to hold a Cannabis Research license. These research activities can include, but are not limited to, in vivo and in vitro studies, clinical trials, plant genetics, cannabis product development, and educational programs.

There are three models of research licenses that are currently available


One project, one site

One research license covering one research project, generally with a single research protocol and activities taking place at only one site.


One project, multiple sites

One research license covering one research project, but with research activities taking place at multiple sites (e.g., a clinical trial at numerous hospitals).


One institution, one site

One research license covering multiple research projects taking place at one institution (e.g., numerous researchers or projects at a single university campus or research hospital; or a large research group performing multiple projects, such as a contract research organization).

Personnel Requirements:

The License Requirements are:

Additional Helpful Services

Standard Operating Procedures: Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are key when it comes to ensuring that your cannabis retail business runs in accordance with the law set forth by the governing agency. SOPs will also provide your employees with consistent and effective procedures to run your business successfully.

See Also

Grow Cannabis

Produce dried or fresh cannabis, plants and seeds.


Sell Recreational Cannabis

Sell recreational cannabis to consumers over the age of 18.


Make Cannabis Products

Trim, cut, dry, extract, manufacture, package, label cannabis products.


Conduct Cannabis Testing

Conduct analytical testing for purity, potency, identity.


Sell Medical Cannabis

Sell cannabis as medicine for registered users.


Develop New Products & Edibles

Develop new cannabis products or set up a clinical study.

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