Grow Cannabis

License Requirements to Grow Cannabis

Under the new Cannabis Act & Regulations, there are three types of licenses for cannabis cultivators to consider: the Standard Cultivation License, the Micro Cultivation License and the Nursery License. While the Standard Cultivation and Micro-Cultivation licenses allow businesses to cultivate plants, a Nursery License allows for the cultivation of cannabis genetics (seeds and clones).


Personnel Requirements:

License Requirements

Nursery Cultivation License

For operations focusing on starting materials like clones and seeds, and less than 540 square foot in size. For the purpose of testing, Nursery license holders may alter the chemical or physical properties of the cannabis. This license permits the sale and distribution of plants and seeds to other license holders.

Standard Cultivation License

For large-scale growth operations (over 2150 sq. ft. of growing space). A Standard Cultivation license allows the holder to obtain dried or fresh cannabis, cannabis plants or cannabis plant seeds by propagating, cultivating, harvesting, including but not limited to using aeroponics, hydroponics, aquaponics, vertical planters, and in traditional soil.

Micro-Cultivation License

For small-scale or craft operations (less than 2150 sq. ft. of growing space). The Micro-Cultivation License is perfect for small, boutique businesses such as craft cultivators working with a limited number of unique strains. A Micro-Cultivation license allows the holder to obtain dried or fresh cannabis, cannabis plants or cannabis plant seeds by propagating, cultivating, harvesting, including but not limited to using aeroponics, hydroponics, aquaponics, vertical planters, and in traditional soil.

Additional Helpful Services

Cultivation Plan: Cultivation of medical and recreational cannabis in Canada is allowed both indoors and outdoors. A cultivation licence allows the holder to grow cannabis through unspecified means, including hydroponics, aeroponics, aquaponics, vertical planters, and in traditional soil. We help you acquire licenses required to cultivate cannabis.  We also assist you in gaining a foundational understanding of the cannabis plant and learning all relevant Canadian cannabis regulations.


Industrial Hemp License: Industrial hemp includes cannabis plants, and parts of the plant of any variety, that contains 0.3 % tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or less in the leaves and flowering heads. An Industrial Hemp License opens doors for hemp production businesses. Industrial Hemp License Holders may cultivate hemp and make derivatives/products from industrial hemp grain (e.g. for hulled hemp seed, hemp protein powder, hemp seed oil). Contact us to help you acquire an Industrial Hemp License.

Our Other Solutions

Grow Cannabis

Produce dried or fresh cannabis, plants and seeds.


Sell Recreational Cannabis

Sell recreational cannabis to consumers over the age of 18.


Make Cannabis Products

Trim, cut, dry, extract, manufacture, package, label cannabis products.


Conduct Cannabis Testing

Conduct analytical testing for purity, potency, identity.


Sell Medical Cannabis

Sell cannabis as medicine for registered users.


Develop New Products & Edibles

Develop new cannabis products or set up a clinical study.

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